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Audenshaw Primary School and Governor Led Nursery

Putting Children First

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Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Audenshaw Primary School. Our pupils are growing up in an ever-changing world of technology. While feel that the use of technology is a largely positive aspect of modern life, we cannot ignore the risks that can be associated. We have extensive security measures in place which are monitored both internally and externally to help safeguard children from potential dangers or unsuitable material. 


The children are taught about Online Safety all through school covering the following areas using the National Online Safety Scheme:

  • Self-Image and Identity
  • Online Relationships
  • Online Reputation
  • Online Bullying
  • Managing Online Information
  • Health, Wellbeing and Lifestyle
  • Privacy and Security
  • Copyright and Ownership

We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with parents to ensure that the online safety message is consistent. It is important that parents speak to their children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.

We understand that much of our pupil's internet use will occur at home away from filters. Use the links below to find useful websites, resources and advice to help when navigating the issues of online safety with your child. 

Snapchat Alert

Snapchat has introduced a new tracker, Snap Map, in its latest update allowing people to see the exact location of their friends. The update allows you to see the exact area, town, street and even house in the street of any user. This could potentially pose a risk to youngsters and leave them exposed to predators. This is an 'opt-in', which means that location sharing is switched off by default but can be turned on by the user. Enabling 'ghost-mode' means that the user cannot share their location.


The video below shows you how to do this and Safeguarding Alert

An investigation has shown that children as young as nine are being groomed and bombarded with sexually explicit messages on popular social media and live streaming site These sites are used by a large number of our pupils, therefore we feel it necessary to highlight the potential dangers to you as parents. 


The minimum age for and is +12. 


The default settings for these apps are public, meaning that anyone can see videos posted and be directly messaged by other users. 


This video explains more about, how it leaves children vulnerable to being groomed and how you can better protect children who continue to use the app.

Audenshaw Primary School and Governor Led Nursery

Putting Children First

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