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Audenshaw Primary School and Governor Led Nursery

Putting Children First

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Year 6

Year 6 Staff

Miss Mortlock and Mrs Worthington

Our themes:

Autumn 1: Extreme Earth (volcanoes and Earthquakes), The circulatory system, Coding and clay work

Autumn 2: Victorian inventions, electricity, spreadsheets and Christmas decorations

Spring 1: Victorian canal systems (local history), Light , text based adventures, pointillism

Spring 2: Britain at War, Classification, blogging, sculptures

Summer 1: Britain at War, evolution, quizzing

Summer 2: North America, science revision, networks

P.E: P.E takes place on a Monday and Wednesday. 

Reading: Year 6 should bring home their reading book and library book on a Friday. Both books should be returned to school by Tuesday.


Homework: Homework is given on a Friday and details should be written in the blue homework book (this should be kept in the plastic folder with the green zip). Year 6 currently have spellings, reading and SATS Companion homework. They can also go onto TT Rockstars for additional times tables work. Homework should be completed by Tuesday and the homework book and plastic wallet returned to school.

Year 6 Curriculum

Audenshaw Primary School and Governor Led Nursery

Putting Children First

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