1) All children should arrive at school between 8.45am and 8.50am so that they are in time for registration at 8:55am. Registers close at 9.05 and any child arriving after this will be marked as late.
2) In the case of absence through illness an email or phone call should reach school by 9.30am
3) When the child returns to school he/she should bring a letter explaining their absence - even if it is only for one day.
4) Notes concerning dental, clinic, doctor or hospital appointments should be sent in the day before to inform the class teacher. The child WILL NOT be allowed to leave the school unless collected by a designated adult, and the class teacher informed.
5) Schools are no longer allowed to grant any leave of absence in term time. Absence can only be granted for ‘exceptional circumstances.’ Any requests for absences in term time have to be in writing and each individual case will then be considered. HOLIDAYS (whatever the reason) are not considered as exceptional. Unauthorised absences will be notified to the Local Authority who may impose a fine.
There is significant evidence of a strong link between attendance and attainment. Therefore, staff will keep a check on absence and lateness. Termly attendance letters are sent out informing parents of their child’s attendance. Attendance of 90% results in a child missing over six months of school during the Primary Phase alone.