At Audenshaw Primary, we put the emphasis on the need for children to ‘know, understand and do’, to be able to talk about their maths through the use of language, symbols and vocabulary, and to be able to explain their methods and offer reasons for their choices.
At Audenshaw Primary, the maths techniques and methods children are taught in class are based on giving them an understanding of mathematics and helping them to articulate that through explaining, discussing their work with each other and involving them in solving problems that apply to everyday life.
Children learn different methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and are encouraged to apply them when answering word problems. This part of maths is often referred to as problem solving and reasoning.
There are key objectives for each year group – please see the relevant year for your child. These objectives are used to inform the teacher’s planning and the children will be assessed regularly to check their progress and understanding.
We use a variety of resources (such as Dynamo Maths and Rapid Maths) to support our maths teaching and extra support is offered to those children who require it.
Through following our curriculum the children will:
· Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
· Be able to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios.
· Be able to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present a justification, argument or proof using mathematical language.
We believe that ability within Mathematics is not fixed. We are developing a “We Can” attitude towards Mathematics and our curriculum is designed to build resilience.
In EYFS, the EYFS framework is followed and the NCETM Mastering Number Materials are used to support children’s learning of mathematics. Children experience learning in a variety of ways including focussed teaching sessions, practical activities, explorative play and songs.
In Key Stage 1 and 2, progression and coverage links to the Power Maths Scheme of Learning, which breaks down the National Curriculum programmes of study into small steps. Children work collaboratively and use concrete resources to deepen their understanding of new concepts before moving on to more abstract methods.
Fluency is vital element of the maths curriculum. Every class also has dedicated curriculum time to develop arithmetic fluency. In EYFS and KS1 the children use the NCETM Mastering Number Programme to practice daily fluency skill in addition and subtraction. There is recognition, too, that learning tables is very helpful in making complicated multiplication and division calculations easier to complete quickly and KS2 also use Times Tables Rock Stars to support them with this.
Assessment of Maths
Teachers assess the children on an ongoing basis. At the end of each unit taught in Power Maths the children complete an assessment. Teachers use this information alongside their evaluations of lessons to inform their planning and next steps to ensure that all children make progress and do not get left behind. The children are tested at the end of each year using the NfER Maths Tests. The tests support the class teacher in their end-of-year assessment.