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Audenshaw Primary School and Governor Led Nursery

Putting Children First

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Curriculum and Year Group Overviews


The delivery of our curriculum is underpinned by our desire to created well rounded members of society who have a good range of knowledge across the curriculum. We aim to deliver the best education for all children in school, every lesson of every day. We do this by fostering a love of learning and unlocking potential. It is important to us that we give great opportunities to all of our children. As a consequence of this, the curriculum at Audenshaw Primary School has been created to ensure that our children:


  • engage in their own independent learning in an exciting, challenging and creative way

  • have opportunities to apply their maths and English skills in a range of subjects

  • work creatively in subjects such as drama, art, music and design technology

  • engage with the world around us by having regular educational visits and visitors

  • acquire and retain knowledge which forms the bedrock of what comes next

  • through spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning, grow and make choices that will allow them to become good caring citizens


At Audenshaw Primary, we utilise teachers as subject co-ordinators, their role being to co-ordinate provision of a subject for the school. They are not expected to be experts in a particular subject or field, rather they will ensure targeted and meaningful professional development for staff, ensuring that resources and expertise are available so that the curriculum is effective in delivery of the above aims and from which our children can benefit.


Subject audits and Impact Statements are reviewed regularly with the Deputy Head for their relevance and effectiveness. Together they review the subject action plan which are then shared with SLT and Governors.


All children follow the current National Curriculum. This means that they are taught English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music, Physical Education, French and Personal Social and Health Education.



The National Curriculum

The school’s curriculum aims to provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and to achieve. We aim to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. These two aims reinforce each other. The personal development of pupils plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. Development in both these areas is essential to raising standards of attainment for all pupils. Whilst the school follows the required National Curriculum, we aim to provide our children with a much broader curriculum.



Audenshaw Primary School and Governor Led Nursery

Putting Children First

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