Class Teacher – Miss Petrenko
Support staff – Miss Volker (Mrs Wilkinson for Phonics)
Topics for 2024-2025:
Autumn 1 - All About Me
Autumn 2 - Celebrations
Spring 1 - Wild Animals
Spring 2 - Journeys
Summer 1 - Growing
Summer 2 - In The Garden
The topics may differ and change as the year progresses. In Early Years, it is fun to plan topics that the children show interest in.
All topics will cover Literacy and Maths targets as well as expressive Arts and Design, Understanding the World, Physical Development, Communication and Language and Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
Tuesday – Return both reading books, green reading record book, green home/school books
Wednesday – Library/ICT, return books weekly to be changed.
Thursday – PE: remember PE kits if you have not already. Names on every item.
Friday – Bring in book bags in so we can hand out homework and reading books. The newsletter goes onto the school website and copies of the homework.