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Audenshaw Primary School and Governor Led Nursery

Putting Children First

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Lunch Menus

Autumn Lunch Menu 2024

We have introduced a school meal order system. To pre-order your child's meals please visit

If your child requires a medical diet due to a food allergy, food intolerance or a medical condition that requires an adapted menu (e.g. carbohydrate count for Type 1 Diabetes), please follow this link to request a medical diet: For further support, please refer to the Parent User Guide.

Dinner Arrangements

All Infant children are provided with a free school meal.


Once children start Juniors, school meals must be paid for unless you are entitled to income based free school meals. The cost of a school meal is currently £2.50 per day and £12.50 per week.


The school meals are provided by Taylor Shaw and are of an excellent standard and it is recommended that children have a cooked meal at school. Dinners are payable in advance using the Parentmail app that can be downloaded for Apple and Android devices.

Please note that school is no longer able to accept cheques or cash payments



Packed Lunches

We encourage all children to eat school lunches. However, parents of pupils wishing to have packed lunches for a particular reason are expected to provide their children with a healthy packed lunch. A recent survey showed that only 1% of children’s lunchboxes met nutritional guidelines.


Ideally, a lunchbox should contain a source of starch and protein, some fruit, and a drink. Be creative and think outside the (lunch) box!

  • Try wraps instead of sandwiches, or quiche or a slice of pizza.
  • Pasta, couscous or rice salads are another good alternative to sandwiches, but don’t forget a fork or spoon!
  • Try chopped apple, peeled satsuma segments, strawberries, blueberries, halved grapes or melon slices to make it easier  to eat.
  • Offer cherry tomatoes, carrot, pepper or cucumber sticks with a favourite dip.
  • Give your child water instead of fruit drinks or juices and no fizzy drinks!  Due to health and safety reasons glass bottles are not permitted.

For further inspiration, check out the following websites –


  • Breakable containers for liquids should not be sent into school.
  • Food or drink should be of the type that young children can open unaided.
  • Packed lunches should not include sweets.
  • Due to lack of space, small lunch boxes please!!!
  • No hot drinks.
  • Packed lunches are healthy


Mid-Morning Snacks

Snacks are allowed at play times but fruit or vegetables only please. Snack bars or Fruit bars of any description are not allowed. This is a requirement of the Healthy Schools standard. In the case of Infants, fruit is provided via the Government Fruit Scheme.

Audenshaw Primary School and Governor Led Nursery

Putting Children First

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