Our Classroom - Ready and waiting
Year 6 is a really important year for your child but also a really enjoyable year with lots of exciting activities and opportunities. The children have all taken on roles of responsibility and we have just elected our four school councillors.
The children have to work very hard in year 6 to make sure they are High School ready (which they will be).
The Curriculum
The children study English and maths everyday and over the course of the afternoons they also cover foundation subjects.
Autumn 1 Extreme Earth
Animals Including Humans
Autumn 2 Victorian inventions
Spring 1 Local History—The Victorian canal system
Spring 2 The world at war
Living things and their Habitats
Summer 1 The world at war
Evolution & Inheritance
Summer 2 North America
P.E is delivered by a sports coach on a Thursday afternoon and the children will need both an indoor (plain black shorts and a plain white T-shirt and pumps) and outdoor kit (as above but also plain black joggers or leggings and waterproof trainers).
In May 2025, the children will sit their SATS (statutory assessments tests). These assessments for grammar, spelling, reading and maths are marked externally and results are delivered to school in July. These results are then shared with you but also with your child's High School.
We are increasingly seeing children struggling to manage social media and cope emotionally with its content and will need your continued support with this.
All it needs is YOU.