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Audenshaw Primary School and Governor Led Nursery

Putting Children First

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  • Count forwards and backwards to 20.
  • Use the dice to say the number, count out that many objects.
  • Show numbers up to 10 on fingers.
  • Using fingers – how do you make 3 (2+1) / 4 (3+1, 2+2) / 5 (1+4, 2+3, 5+0) then go to 5, 6,7,8.
  • Roll the dice – clap, jump, hop that many times it says
  • Recognise 1-10 numerals. Make flashcards 1-10 and put in order 1-10 then 10-1.
  • Give objects up to 10 to count accurately, pointing to each object and saying the number name.
  • Say 1 more and 1 less to 5 then go onto 10. Can use objects e.g. get 5 objects, get 1 more. How many altogether? OR Get 6 objects, take away 1. How many left?
  • Doubles to 5 using fingers.
  • Write numerals to 10, with support at first.

Audenshaw Primary School and Governor Led Nursery

Putting Children First

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